Saturday 3 June 2017



ये victorians ने शुरू किया था.... हां वो ही राजपरिवार वाले... बाद में पूरी दुनिया को brothels + strip club दे दिये.  - - - भारत में अंग्रेजो ने ही sonagachi - Bengal (Asia's second largest red light) बसाया था.
... दुनिया का 85% Internet porn  Chatsworth, callifornia से आता है... ये Illuminati के weaponless war के मुख्य हथियारों में से है.... समाज को Free porn उपलब्ध करा कर  एक तीर से कई शिकार हो रहे हैं.  आखिर ये Free कयो है? और  attractive कैसे बनाया गया है?, दरअसल,  system को यौन-चकाचौंध से भरा गया है.. ये Industry जितनी मजेदार लगती है  उतनी है नही. दूर के ढोल सुहावने होते हैं.  यकीन करने के लिए pink cross foundation की chief " Shelly lubben"  से पूछ लें....
... किसी भी देश को तोडने के लिये उसको बस नग्नता दे दो.  फिर वहां का youth अपने बाप की भी नही सुनेगा... बाकी का काम मैकाले ब्रांड सिस्टम ने कर ही दिया है... अब गांजा + Marijuana + alcohol  से youth बोर हो गया तो धंधा  बैठ जायेगा.  फिर क्या, drugs + free porn = non curable addiction वाला  principle अपनाया... Hollywood के बाद bollywood सबसे बडा अड्डा है porn industry का. सबसे ज्यादा "drug-usage" porn industry  मे होती है.  सब interconnected हैं.  Drug dealing = human trafficking, या ये कहें कि कि दोनो एक दूसरे के पूरक. बिना नशे के porn movie बनती नही. American companies के condom को बिकवाने में बॉलिवुड का बहुत बड़ा योगदान है... दरअसल, Bollywood में Theory of relativity of time लग गया. मतलब कि जिस bollywood को 50-60s में घर घर जाकर भी कोई अभिनेत्री नही मिलती थी  और 70-80s में kiss scene पर बवाल मच गया था, क्योंकि तब अभिनेत्रियों को बाजारू बोला जाता था,  वो ही bollywood आज संभोग के scene बिना रोकटोक दिखाता है... मुंबई में Line लगी है मैकाले ब्रांड लडकियों की. Casting couch धडाधड होते हैं. जो जितना "compromise"  करेगी उतनी बढिया movie-serial मिलेगा. लग गयी ना time-relativity Theory? समय समय की बात है.

ईलू बाबा के Main principles में ये hypnotism type atmosphere भी है.  जिससे- - -
1- भारत में नग्नता + rape % बढेगा. (जैसा ईलू ने misconception फैलाया था अफ्रीका में कि sex with virgins = aids curable.

2- drugs जो दिल्ली-मुंबई के अमीरजादे नोट जलाकर सूंघते हैं, वो हर नुक्कड़ पर बिकेगा.
3- भयंकर सामाजिक पतन होगा.

4- ईलू का बनाया हुआ HIV-AIDS का graph बहुत ऊपर जायेगा.

5- Aids की सालों से बन रही महंगी दवाइयों का यहां use होगा और viagra तो normal बिकेगी kit Kat की तरह.

6- जैसा कि पहले मैने बहुत बार कहा है  war (weapons) + virus (medicine) = illuminati's economy.

8-  मलेच्छों के झुंड में honey Singh और Sunny Leon का नाम बहुत ऊपर है.

9- बालीवुडिया वेश्याओं की लौटरी लग गयी है ईलू बाबा की किरपा से.

10-  सस्ते मोबाइल + Free porn = conspiracy है बहुत बडी. 

मोदी ने झाडू तो उठा लिया  लेकिन ये कचरा नहीं दिखा उन्हें. (जैसे कत्लखानो रूपी कचरा नही दिखा). साफ करना है तो देश से porn industry + slaughter house को साफ करो,  ये सडकें साफ करने से क्या देश चलेगा?..  लेकिन ये सफाई इनके "आका"  नही होने देंगे.... दो साल पहले  हमारे देश की चूतिया पब्लिक sex education के support में थी.  जिसमें "आका"  का शासन नही है जैसे North Korea में,  वहां punishment "मौत" है porn देखने का,  बनाना तो दूर की बात है. यहां भी कुछ चूतियो को Democracy चाहिये.

याद रखना,
Maclauy educational system + illuminati porn industry = biggest threat है भारत के भविष्य के लिए.




Why the poison of Christian conversions is accepted by culturally weakened Indians

India is a Nation well prepared by Bollywood and the Indian Republic. They would embrace the illusion of being "saved" rather than the responsibility and travails of saving themselves as enunciated in the notions of Karma and Dharma that flow from the Brahmin Prathamo Upanishad.

This happens because, Hinduism is not a religion. It is a defunct nationality comprising myriad relgions united by Brahmin (Aryan) Law. Almost every temple used to represent a unique religion and culture. There are now a thousand new cults like Gandhism, Gitaism, Chinmayaism, Vivekanandaism, Sai Babaism and so on that the British thrust into the vacuum they created in 1921 when they took over Hindu Temples, Educational Institutions, Lands, Water Bodies, Treasure, Commonwealth and abolished the hereditary law giving priesthood and declared Non-Hindus to be Hindus-in-Law.. The Periyar-Ambedkar-Nehru-Gandhi-Imported Religions-Communist (Pangolin) Consensus that took over India in 1947 through Cambridge, Columbia, Oxford, Inner Temple, Elphinstone and Presidency educated British Stooges completed the job by turning the descendants of those who were Hindu before 1921 into Third Class citizens in THEIR Constitution and repeating the confiscation of Hindu Wealth and the abolition of Brahmanism and Hindu religious freedom in the erstwhile Princely States in 1959.

Today, Hinduism is a cacophony of latter day cults. India's Constitution is Anti-Hindu and India's erudition, arithmetic, integrity and culture challenged judiciary, professors, politicians, bureaucrats, journalists, police and other kleptocrats take full advantage of the resultant low hanging fruit.

More than 12,000 crores worth of Jewellery vanished from Tirupathi when Sonia Gandhi's, Rajashekhara Naidu's Liquor Baron Audikeshavulu Naidu was cavorting on Tirumala with frunken prostitutes, politicians and other dregs of society as Chairman of the Temple! The latter two died shortly thereafter bu Sonia G travelled in a private plane for treatment in the US with a stop over at Italy. accompnaying her were 12 huge trunks that went, uninspected from India. Similarly, the Diamond Crown of Melkote that survived the depredations of Tipu Sultan and the British vanished from the joint custody of the (Dalit?) Deputy Commissioner and the (Mussalman?) Police Superintendent shortly before Sonia G left India for the US with a stop over in Italy with uninspected baggage. Naturally, none of this will be returned to India nor will any temple wealth be spent for the good of the original Hindus. They will be spent on the pomp, pleasure, pelf, perversions and perpetuation of the Kleptocracy, funding Haj pilgrimages, Church restorations and other hobbies of the proprietors of "Hinduism".

Hinduism is not a religion. It is a defunct nationality comprising myriad religions untied by Aryan (Brahmin) Law. The law has the individual and the social aspects both of which precede the Rik Veda. The first is the rules of Karma and Dharma received as the Prathamo Upanishad from Brahma by the Saptha Rishis and passed on from father to son during the Upanayana ceremony. The second is the Aryan Constitution represented by the Swasthika and the laws and rules that flowed therefrom. Both were interpreted by learned Brahmins to the princes and the laity until Brahmanism was dismantled by the British since 1857, their native stooges since 1921 and given the quietus by the Periyar-Ambedkar-Nehru-Gandhi-Imported Religion-Communist (PANGOLIN) Consensus that formed and rules the Indian Republic since 1947. Today "Hinduism" comprises a thousand cults none of which know about either the Swasthika or Karma and Dharma and what they stand for and the norms of which are determined by erudition, integrity, arithmetic and culture challenged judiciary, administrators, politicians, journalists, policemen and other charlatans.

Courtesy: S Suchindranath Aiyer,

Friday 2 June 2017

The fate of Budhists in Indian Territories under Pakistani and Chinese occuptaion with the blessings of Indian Governments

A seldom broached topic. The fate of Budhists in Indian Territories under Pakistani and Chinese occuptaion with the blessings of Indian Governments beginning with Nehru:

"Out of 2,22,236 sq kms of the J&K state, Jammu has 26,293 sq kms and Ladakh 1,38,942 sq kms. It must be remembered that 78,114 sq kms of the state is under illegal occupation of Pakistan, 37,555 sq kms under illegal occupation of China and 5,180 sq kms have been illegally handed over to China by Pakistan. While Ladakh constitutes 69.60 % of the state's total land area, Kashmir valley, the most turbulent and vocal one is just 11.48 % and Jammu 18.92 %. Within Ladakh, Buddhist majority district Leh has 45,110 sq kms and Shia Muslim majority district Kargil has 13,000 sq kms. While Kargil has shown an extraordinary growth in population of 17.34 % in the years between 1981to 1991, Leh population grew at the rate of just 9.10 %. Even in Leh district the population of Muslims increased from 15.32 % in 1981 to 18.37 % in 1991 (projected).

Buddhists fear an assault on their culture and traditions through the conversion of Buddhist girls and a planned effort to outnumber Buddhists through a population aggression.

In 1992 an agreement was signed between the Ladakh Muslim Association and Ladakh Buddhist Association, the supreme organization of Ladakh representing Buddhists, at the intervention of Ministry of Home Affairs ensuring that the Buddhists converted to Islam shall be allowed to return to their original faith, but the Muslims never honoured the agreement.

some facts :--

1. During 1992-99, 24 Buddhist girls from Leh district were converted to Islam and majority of them were taken to Kargil.

2. Twelve villages with hamlets of Buddhists, comprising 651 families (numbering app. 5000 persons) located at 40 to 60 kms from Kargil town were targeted for conversions. Till 2002, 72 boys and girls were converted to Islam as per the survey conducted by the Ladakh Buddhist Association. 

3. Muslims of Kargil are not allowing the LBA to repair and reconstruct a 40 year old. Gompa comprising three rooms and at present lying in shambles. 

4. Cremation of dead Buddhists is not allowed at Kargil and the body has to be moved at a remote Buddhist area.

5. No Buddhist Sarai is allowed to be constructed at Kargil though there has been a demand for the last 35 years

6. Six new mosques have been constructed at Leh town during 1989-99 in close vicinity of Buddhist habitations and in a planned manner more than 540 Muslim families have been settled at Leh, majority of them coming from Kargil.

7. Kargil has 20% Buddhist population. Yet (a) only one Buddhist was appointed as patwari out of 24 patwaris, the rest were all Muslims. (b) In 1998, 40 employees for class IV were appointed in education department, out of these only one was Buddhist, that too after his conversion to Islam.

the patriotic Buddhist population of Ladakh is being 'punished' by the Central and the state government both for political reasons. The administration in Leh is controlled by the sultans of Srinagar.
The Leh Autonomous Development Council which has a majority of those members demanding a separate Union Territory status for Ladakh (under a political entity of UP Morcha) so that they are unshackled from the communal bondage of Srinagar

When the UPA government took over, the first thing they did to Ladakh was to change the name of the world famous Sindhu Darshan Festival to Ladakh Singhey Khabab Spring Festival because, as the minister stated on record, the name Sindhu Darshan smacked of 'Hindu Darshan'! This is the attitude towards the national integration of this secular government.

In December 2007 a delegation of Ladakhi leaders had a meeting with the Prime Minister-Manmohan Singh  and demanded inclusion of their Bhoti language in the eighth schedule and a non-discriminatory behaviour by the Congress led government of J&K.

Though the language of Kashmir valley is Kashmiri, yet due to communal reasons they chose to have Urdu as their state language and the same is imposed on Ladakhi Buddhists too, ignoring their traditional Bhoti language.

Their memorandum submitted to Dr. Manmohan Singh stated, 'The Congress-led state government is treating the duly-elected Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council (LAHDC-Leh) with utter contempt. A reign of terror and repression has been let loose against us by the Congress-led state government in Jammu and Kashmir.'

The police have been set upon on us as a clearly pre-meditated strategy to browbeat us into submission. The forcible closure of the headquarters of the Ladakh Buddhist Association (LBA), framing of false criminal cases including murder and attempt to murder against its office-bearers, police assault on an elected Ladakh Union Territory Front (LUTF) councillor, disrespect being shown to the Chairman and Chief Executive Councillor of the LAHDC and a campaign of calumny against the LUTF chief.'

'How can policemen or bureaucrats be allowed to ride roughshod over a democratic dispensation? How can they treat our social and religious organisations with utter contempt? Their wrong-doings have strengthened our resolve to keep striving for Union Territory for we want to strengthen what we regard as our umbilical chord with New Delhi.'

Himalayas, was once called the unconquerable security wall of the grand Aryavarta i.e. Hindustan. The myth fell apart in '62 aggression by the Chinese and still neither the younger generation nor the sunset leadership in politics seems to be much bothered about securing the security wall, nature had so thoughtfully gifted us.

While Ladakh, Himachal, Uttaranchal, UP and Bihar are basically threatened by Islamic Jihadis and their population aggression with active hub centres in their madrassas, presently joined by the Communist terrorists in the guise of Maoists, the North Eastern region is rife with Church supported insurgent movements.

The heights of Himalayas were  endangered under the secular anti-patriotism dispensation of the UPA and congress
That was under UPA and Anti-national ,Anti dharmic Congress

now Ruling dispensation under modi .. What has changed since then?" (Shonan Talpade)


Stopping black money and corruption

You cannot stop Black Money unless you stop extortion and corruption.

Corruption cannot be tackled with Aadhar, demonetization or GeoTagging. The corrupt are not being prosecuted. Instead citizens are being harassed. Indian corruption is barefoot grass roots corruption. The Tehsildar, the Police Constable, the Lower Division Clerk, the Peon, the Vehicle Inspector. the Judge, the Magistrate. the Income Tax Officer. Together, the daily aggregate of all this will exceed any one UPA scam, Bribe giving remains a crime while bribe taking has not been re defined as extortion and treason with commensurate retributive punishment for crimes since 1947

Above all, as I have frequently stated, nothing will change until:

(1) Inequality under law and exceptions to the rule of (including “reservations” and special privileges for some religions, castes and tribes at the expense of others) are expurgated from the Constitution and laws of India.

(2) Bribe Taking is defined as criminal extortion or treason and made a capital offense with special rules of evidence and special courts with summary powers (akin to a Military Court Martial).

(3) All court proceedings are video graphed and archived for public viewing and can be used as evidence to prosecute Judges and Magistrates at all levels under special laws and special courts with summary powers akin to a military Court Martial, for insouciance, negligence, tardiness, dereliction of duty, disregard for law and propriety, behaviour unbecoming of a Judge such as lack of etiquette and manners,

(4) every job on the "Public" i.e. Government Pay Roll has specific and unique Key Responsibility Areas, Key Performance Parameters and Objectives for which they are held accountable on pain of summary dismissal for non-performance or life imprisonment for treason for sabotage under special laws and special courts with summary powers akin to a military Court Martial and

(5) India creates an Ombudsman Service of reemployed and retrained military officers (Colonel and Below, JCOs and NCOs) who retire before 50 to serve as presiding officers, investigating/prosecuting and enforcement officers at the afore mentioned "Special Courts", one for every tehsil with powers to arrest, incarcerate, try and punish any and all from the President of India to a peon in accordance with the Special Laws framed therefor.

Courtesy: comments on

Shri Samsthana Gau Yatra

Shri Samsthana Gau Yatra:

January 20, Udupi: The convention of the day on behalf of Mangala Gouyatra took place at Udupi Sri Krishna Mutt. His Holiness Jagadguru Shankaracharya SriSri Raghaveshwara Bharati Swamiji of Sri Ramachandrapura Mutt during the occasion said that, the yatra of Udupi outweighs the yatra of every other day. The yatra in the presence of Krishna and Pejavara Sri is very unique and special.

There is a custom of providing application after the procession of the yatra. There is no use in providing application to the people who are more interested in their own development. But the application given to Krishna through Pejavara Sri will be very much successful, said SriSamsthana (Raghaveshwara Sri).

This yatra is a movement for the sake of Gou. Saints can wage a war when Dharma, country and the life of mother is targeted. Mangala Gouyatra is a movement to save lives. If situation arises, this yatra will also sacrifice life. Saints will lead the yatra. Gou is a part and parcel of life. Gouyatra which is about to end in some days has been dedicated to Krishna by reaching Udupi, added Raghaveshwara Swamiji during the Gousandesh.

Vishveshateertha Sripadaru of Pejavara Mutt during the convention said that, when the waste of all other animals proves to be a real waste, the waste produced out of cows are worth consuming. Cow slaughtering is nothing but the slaughter of humanity. Raghaveshwara Swamiji is fighting alone for Gou just like Arjuna. Hence, we all have to involve ourselves in this. Let Lord Krishna stand in our hearts and protect cows. Let this yatra succeed like the success obtained when Krishna Himself lifted Govardhana. The arrival of Raghaveshwara Swamiji to Udupi is like Lord Rama arriving at the place of Lord Krishna. Let the Rama and Krishna bring success to the yatra.

Sri Rajashekarananda Swamiji said that, cows are at the verge of extinction presently. Hence, we too are at the verge of destruction. We have been providing poison to our bodies by consuming the milk of jersey cows. In this direction, we all have to join hands in the yatra being initiated by Raghaveshwara Swamiji.

The chariots of the yatra saw a grand welcome at Jodukatte. The welcome involved various art forms and thousands of people who held the Goudhvaj ( Gou flag ) in their hands. Shobhayatra travelled through the prime roads of the region. ‘Gou Vidyamana’ book written by Umesh Kumar Shimladka and being published by Sahitya Surabhi branch of Ramachandrapura Mutt was released during the same occasion.

Pejawar Shri Vishwesha Theertha is a head of the Madhwa Dwaita Math afiliated to Shri Krishna Matha Udupi.

SriSamsthana (Raghaveshwara Sri) is a Havyaka Smartha Advaitha Matha affiliated to  Dakshinamnaya Sri Sringeri Sharada Peetham:

(This gives an indication as to why the "Secular Forces" of South India were so anxious to defame the Ramachandra Pura math in a Kanchi redux).


Is there such a thing as ‘Hindu terrorism’?

Is there such a thing as ‘Hindu terrorism’?

I am a born Frenchman, Catholic-educated and non-Hindu, I do hope I’ll be given some credit for my opinions, which are not the product of my parents’ ideas, my education or my atavism, but garnered from 25 years of reporting in South Asia (for Le Journal de Geneve and Le Figaro).

In the early 1980s, when I started freelancing in south India, doing photo features on Kalaripayattu, the Ayyappa festival, or the Ayyanars, I slowly realised that the genius of this country lies in its Hindu ethos, in the true spirituality behind Hinduism.

The average Hindu you meet in a million villages possesses this simple, innate spirituality and accepts your  diversity, whether you are Christian or Muslim, Jain or Arab, French or Chinese.

It is this Hinduness that makes the Indian Christian different from, say, a French Christian, or the Indian Muslim unlike a Saudi Muslim.
I also learnt that Hindus not only believed that the divine could manifest itself at different times, under different names, using different scriptures but that they had also given refuge to persecuted minorities from across the world—Syrian Christians, Parsis, Jews, Armenians, and today, Tibetans.

In 3,500 years of existence, Hindus have never militarily invaded another country, never tried to impose their religion on others by force or induced conversions.

You cannot find anybody less fundamentalist than a Hindu in the world and it saddens me when I see the Indian and western press equating terrorist groups like SIMI, which blow up innocent civilians, with ordinary, angry Hindus who burn churches without killing anybody.
We know also that most of these communal incidents often involve persons from the same groups— often Dalits and tribals—some of who have converted to Christianity and others not.

•°However reprehensible the destruction of Babri Masjid, no Muslim was killed in the process; compare this to the ‘vengeance’ bombings of 1993 in Bombay, which wiped out hundreds of innocents, mostly Hindus.
Yet the Babri Masjid destruction is often described by journalists as the more horrible act of the two.

We also remember how Sharad Pawar, when he was chief minister of Maharashtra in 1993, lied about a bomb that was supposed to have gone off in a Muslim locality of Bombay.

I have never been politically correct, but have always written what I have discovered while reporting. Let me then be straightforward about this so-called Hindu terror.

Hindus, since the first Arab invasions, have been at the receiving end of terrorism, whether it was by Timur, who killed 1,00,000 Hindus in a single day in 1399, or by the Portuguese Inquisition which crucified Brahmins in Goa.

Today, Hindus are still being targeted: there were one million Hindus in the Kashmir valley in 1900; only a few hundred remain, the rest having fled in terror.

Blasts after blasts have killed hundreds of innocent Hindus all over India in the last four years.
Hindus, the overwhelming majority community of this country, are being made fun of, are despised, are deprived of the most basic facilities for one of their most sacred pilgrimages in Amarnath while their government heavily sponsors the Haj..

They see their brothers and sisters converted to Christianity through rapes, abduction, inducements and financial traps, see a harmless 84-year-old swami and a sadhvi brutally murdered.
Their gods are blasphemed.
So sometimes, enough is enough.

At some point, after years or even centuries of submitting like sheep to slaughter, Hindus—whom the Mahatma once gently called cowards—erupt in uncontrolled fury. And it hurts badly. It happened in Gujarat. It happened in Jammu, then in Kandhamal, Mangalore, Malegaon, or Ajmer.

It may happen again elsewhere. What should be understood is that this is a spontaneous revolution on the ground, by ordinary Hindus, without any planning from the political leadership.

There are about a billion Hindus, one in every six persons on this planet.
They form one of the most successful, law-abiding and integrated communities in the world today.
Can you call them terrorists?

Let the BJP compile a statistics of how many Hindus were killed by Muslims since 1947 and how many Muslims by Hindus.
These statistics will speak by themselves

Courtesy: Bharataryabrat
.............Francois Gautier

Thursday 1 June 2017

Dalits of India: A Conspiracy to Divide Hindus/India

Dalits of India: A Conspiracy to Divide Hindus/India.

A section of Hindu, doesn't come under ambit of Varna system, has long been prey of Christian, Buddhist and Muslim missionaries to disrupt communal harmony and demography of India.

Dalits, a name given by Brits, have long been used as pawn to divide and rule Hindus, converting them first into Christians, then Buddhists and now Muslims, by foreign and domestic missionaries in the name of social service and their upliftment.

Missionaries seduce them by alluring better social and economic status in society, only to make them even more vulnerable.

As per Indian Constitution, Dalits are given a big chunk of reservation in all government institutions, but after having converted into Christian, Buddhist or Muslim, they become ineligible for reservations,  and find themselves trapped in yet another vicious trap of travesty.

Thanks to state and foreign sponsored missionaries, a new kind of Religious Caste has evolved - Dalit Muslims, Dalit Christians and Dalit Buddhists.

They are, now, neither considered as pure Muslims,  Christians, and Buddhists nor they could return to Hinduism. They aren't allowed in religious places of pure Muslims and Christians as they still perform works of scavenger.

They aren't allowed to perform last rites in common graveyard, instead they have their separate cremation place.

Dalits of all Religions are living same pathetic lives as before conversion, nothing changed for them since decades, except becoming a vote bank for blood thirsty politicians.

Dalits are far more secure and safe as being Hindus instead of becoming prey of foreign faiths.

Present Indian State must stop such malicious works of foreign sponsored missionaries of dividing India on the ground of faiths, challenging integrity of the Nation.


बेस्ट नागरिक नही देश के बेस्ट मजदूर

मैने कभी नही सुना के अमेरिका में बोर्ड इग्जाम के रिजल्ट आ रहे हैं या यूके में लड़कीयो ने बाजी मार ली है या आस्ट्रेलिया में 99•5 % आऐ है किसी छात्र के ..

मई जून के महीने में हिन्दुस्तान में मानसून के साथ साथ हर घर में दस्तक देती है एक भय एक उत्तेजना, एक जिज्ञासा ,एक मानसिक विकृती... हर माँ, हर बाप, हर बोर्ड के  इग्जाम मे बैठा बच्चा हर बीतते हुए पल को एक ओबसेसन एक डिप्रेशन एक इनसेक्योरीटी में काट रहा होता है .. के क्या होगा ??

मानसून दुनिया में सिर्फ इंडियन उपमहाद्वीप की निशानी है .. पर इन्सेक्योरीटी और मानसिक अवसाद का ये मेरीट लिस्ट वाला ये नया मानसून देश के हर हिस्से में तनाव और अवसाद की बारिश करने में काफ़ी असरदार हो चुका है।

माँ बाप फ़सल की तरह बच्चो को पाल रहे है के कब फ़सल पके कब उनके अधूरी रह चुकी अकाँक्षाऐ पूरी  होगी कब वे फ़सल काटेगे.... वे या उनके सपने बच्चो की लाइफ को गाइड नही कर रहे...हमारे पूंजीवादी इनवेस्टर्स को क्या प्रोडक्ट चाहिये इस हिसाब से शिक्षा और उसके उद्देश्य तय हो रहे हैं ..एक परिवार सुख चैन त्याग  ..दिन रात खल के ,सँघर्षो ,घोर परीश्रम में गुज़र जाता है उस परीवार का अपना अस्तित्व और सुख चैन और मानवीय भावनाऐ इसलिये भेंट चढ जाती है क्यूके टीसीएस को एक बेहतरीन सोफ्टवेयर डेवलेपर चाहिये.. या मेकेन्से को बेस्ट ब्रेन चाहिये... या रिलायन्स को बेहतरीन गेम डिजाइननर चाहिये.. हमारी शिक्षा व्यवस्था व उसके आदर्श कहाँ रह गये... तेल लेने।

हमारे स्कूल देश के बेस्ट नागरिक नही देश के बेस्ट मजदूर बनाने में दिन रात एक करके जुटे हुए हैं। और लानत है उन माँ बापो के लिये जो बच्चो को बच्चा नही एक मेकेनिकल डीवाईस बनाने को प्रतिज्ञाबद्ध हैं। बच्चो को जीने दो दुनिया खत्म नही होने जा रही...
उन्हे बेस्ट इम्प्लोई नही बेस्ट सीटीजन बनाने में यकीन रखो मित्रों बचपन की भी खुद से कुछ अपेक्षाऐ होती हैं अपने निस्वार्थ स्वप्न होते हैं  उनका हमारे लिये कोई अर्थ नही पर..बच्चो के लिये वो स्वर्ग से कम नही .. प्लीज बच्चो की दुनिया मत उजाड़ो .... प्लीज उन्हे मनोरोगी मत बनाओ ...

क्या है ये ..ये एक मानसिक रुग्णता ही तो है ..टोपर्स की खबरें..उन्हे मिठाई खिलाते माँ बाप की फोटो ..क्या ये एक आम सामान्य स्तर के बच्चो को मानसिक हीनता की अनुभूती नही देंगे . टॉपर तो दो चार होंगे बाकी देश का बोझ तो 99 %इन्ही फूल से कोमल सामान्य बच्चो ने ही उठाना है साले मानसिक रोगीयो उनकी मुस्कान मत छीनो ..देश से उसकी सृजनात्मक शक्ति मत छिनो ..
जैसे मेरे लिये नेपाल के माँ बाप मजदूर तैय्यार कर रहे है।

वैसे ही तुम टाटा,रिलायंस एल एंड टी , मारुति , मेकेन्से, देन्सू, etc के लिये मजदूर तैय्यार कर रहे हो।
वे कुछ भी बन जाऐ ....एमएनसी  में सीईओ हो जाऐ पर जो बचपन की रिक्तता तुमने आरोपित कर दी है वो उन्हे जीवन भर खलेगी और मानवीय विकृतीयो के रुप में फलेगी .. आपको बेस्ट सीईओ मिलेंगे जिनकी प्राथमिकता उनकी कंपनी होगी जो जनता को लूटेगी, हमारा भारत देश और हमारे भारतीय नहीं होंगे, उनके मां बाप यानि तुम भी नहीं होगे।


Devi attacks Raktabija as Kali drinks his blood

Devi attacks Raktabija as Kali drinks his blood

An accomplished poet uses sentences and words effortlessly to make the readers/listeners experience a specific ‘rasa’. A master painter uses strokes and colours to the same effect. An example is this nineteenth century painting from Chamba, which brings to life the episode of the slaying of the demon Raktabija from the eighth chapter of the ‘Devi Mahatmya’. I doubt if many paintings can match the depiction of ‘bhayanaka rasa’ in traditional Indian art as in this painting.

To truly experience this painting, one needs to read the original text. And after reading the original text, one can only admire how brilliantly the unknown painter brought the text to life in his/her colours. I present a brief summary below:

When the demons Chanda and Munda are killed, Shumbha (the king of demons) sends a great army to fight Devi and her associate female powers (Matrika-s). This army includes the demons known as Kalakeya-s (after which the attacking tribe in the movie Bahubali is named). When Devi and her associate powers kill even the greatest of the demons, Raktabija (“whose blood is [like] seed”) comes forward. Raktabija is a unique demon:

“When a drop of blood from his body falls to the ground, a demon of the same size and prowess is born on earth [from it].”[1]  

From the ensuing battle between Raktabija and Matrika-s, thousands of Raktabija-s are born. The gods are struck by fear.

“On seeing the despondent gods, Devi quickly spoke. She said, ‘O Chamunda (Kali)! Expand your mouth. With this swift mouth of yours, devour the drops of his blood which arise from the shower of my weapons, and the Raktabija demons which spring from them.’” [2]

Kali does as she is requested: she drinks all the drops of blood as soon as they fall on the ground and devours all the Raktabija-s born from the drops of blood. And then

“With the lance, the vajra, arrows, one-sided swords, and two-sided swords, Devi killed that Raktabija whose blood was [completely] drunk by Chamunda.”[3]

Now see how evocatively the painter has depicted this. The eight-armed Devi on the tiger (the Devi Mahatmya mentions a lion though) showering arrows on the imposing and scary Raktabija and the even scarier Chamunda (Kali) whose extended tongue is drinking all the blood falling to the ground. Also note the tiny Raktabijas who have just arisen from the drops of blood that have fallen to the ground and not yet been licked by Kali.

PS: The painting is now owned by the Brooklyn Museum (accession number 36.245).

[1] रक्‍तबिन्दुर्यदा भूमौ पतत्यस्य शरीरत:।
समुत्पतति मेदिन्यां तत्प्रमाणस्तदासुर:॥ ८.४१ ॥
[2] तान् विषण्णान् सुरान् दृष्ट्‌वा चण्डिका प्राह सत्वरा। उवाच कालीं चामुण्डे विस्तीर्णं वदनं कुरु॥ ८.५३ ॥
मच्छस्त्रपातसम्भूतान् रक्तबिन्दून्महासुरान्। रक्‍तबिन्दोः प्रतीच्छ त्वं वक्त्रेणानेन वेगिना॥ ८.५४ ॥
[3] देवी शूलेन वज्रेण बाणैरसिभिरृष्टिभि:॥६०॥
जघान रक्‍तबीजं तं चामुण्डापीतशोणितम्।

Courtesy: Nityanand Mishra

Crimes Against India and the Need to Protect Ancient Vedic Tradition

A bit long message..but please read... an eye opener...

There is an IAS officer as head of every temple. Not for any of the Masjids or  churches.

Foreign writer opens our eyes

The Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowment Act of 1951 allows State Governments and politicians to take over thousands of Hindu Temples and maintain complete control over them and their properties. It is claimed that they can sell the temple assets and properties and use the money in any way they choose.

A charge has been made not by any Temple authority, but by a foreign writer, Stephen Knapp in a book (Crimes Against India and the Need to Protect Ancient Vedic Tradition)published in the United States that makes shocking reading.
Hundreds of temples in centuries past have been built in India by devout rulers and the donations given to them by devotees have been used for the benefit of the (other) people. If, presently, money collected has ever been misused (and that word needs to be defined), it is for the devotees to protest and not for any government to interfere. This is what has been happening currently under an intrusive law.
(There is a popular belief that since the temples are controlled by the government now, the funds can be used for any social purpose at least. Please note that none of the devout kings who constructed these temples claimed any right over the temples. Many of them have not even left their names behind. Let alone not controlling the temples and their funds, these kings , in fact, consigned lands and other properties, including their jewels, to these temples.  They only facilitated and did not claim any rights over these temples. That is the only acceptable attitude. None of the big temples (barring perhaps a handful) have been constructed by the governments of today and they have no right over any of these temples – funds, administration or over the way in which the worship is to be conducted. The funds of these temples should be used only for the administration of these temples, their repairs, the emoluments, the infrastructure and facilities around these temples and the surplus for the upkeep of other less known temples especially the old ones. ) ?
It would seem, for instance, that under a Temple Empowerment Act, about43,000 temples in Andhra Pradesh have come under Government control and only 18 per cent of the revenue of these temples have been returned for temple purposes, theremaining 82 per cent being used for purposes unstated.

Apparently even the world famous Tirumala Tirupati Temple has not been spared. According to Knapp, the temple collects over Rs 3,100 crores every year and the State Government has not denied the charge that as much as 85 per cent of this is transferred to the State Exchequer, much of which goes to causes that are not connected with the Hindu community. Another charge that has been made is that the Andhra Government has also allowed the demolition of at least ten temples for the construction of a golf course. Imagine the outcry writes Knapp, if ten mosques had been demolished.

It would seem that inKaranataka, Rs. 79 crores were collected from about two lakh temples and from that, temples received Rs seven crores for their maintenance, Muslim madrassahs and Haj subsidy were given Rs 59 crore and churches about Rs 13 crore.

Because of this, Knapp writes, 25 per cent of the two lakh temples or about 50,000 temples in Karnataka will be closed down for lack of resources, and he adds: The only way the government can continue to do this is with the indifference and tolerance of the Hindus.

Knapp then refers to Kerala where, he says, funds from the Guruvayur Temple are diverted to other government projects denying improvement to 45 Hindu temples. Land belonging to the Ayyappa Temple, apparently has been grabbed and Church encroaches are occupying huge areas of forest land, running into thousands of acres, near Sabarimala.

A charge is made that the Communist state government of Kerala. wants to pass an Ordinance to disband the Travancore & Cochin Autonomous Devaswom Boards (TCDBs) and take over their limited independent authority of 1,800 Hindu temples. If what the author says is true, even the Maharashtra Government wants to take over some 450,000 temples in the state which would supply a huge amount of revenue to correct the states bankrupt conditions

And to top it all, Knapp says that in Orissa, the state government intends to sell over 70,000 acres of endowment lands from the Jagannath Temple, the proceeds of which would solve a huge financial crunch brought about by its own mismanagement of temple assets.

Says Knapp: Why such occurrences are so often not known is that the Indian media, especially the Englishtelevision and press, are often anti-Hindu in their approach, and thus not inclined to give much coverage, and certainly no sympathy, for anything that may affect the Hindu community. Therefore, such government action that play against the Hindu community go on without much or any attention attracted to them.

Knapp obviously is on record. If the facts produced by him are incorrect, it is up to the government to say so. It is quite possible that some individuals might have set up temples to deal with lucrative earnings. But that, surely, is none of the governments business? Instead of taking over all earnings, the government surely can appoint committees to make the temples accountable especially for the funds – received and earned-  so that the amount discovered is fairly used for temple purposes only.

Says Knapp: Nowhere in the free, democratic world are the religious institutions managed, maligned and controlled by the government, thus denying the religious freedom of the people of the country. But it is happening in India. Government officials have taken control of Hindu temples because they smell money in them, they recognise the indifference of Hindus, they are aware of the unlimited patience and tolerance of Hindus, they also know that it is not in the blood of Hindus to go to the streets to demonstrate, destroy property, threaten, loot, harm and kill (generally or Normally )

Many Hindus are sitting and watching the demise of their culture. They need to express their views loud and clear Knapp obviously does not know that should they do so, they would be damned as communalists. But it is time some one asked the Government to lay down all the facts on the table so that the public would know what is happening behind its back. Robbing Peter to pay Paul is not secularism. And temples are not for looting, under any name. One thought that Mohammad of Ghazni had long been dead.


मिशनरी हो या मुसल्ले,जहाँ भी गए अपने धर्म प्रसार-प्रचार हेतु ही गए

मिशनरी हो या मुसल्ले,जहाँ भी गए अपने धर्म प्रसार-प्रचार हेतु ही गए।

जब ये विदेशी आक्रांता भारत आये तो यहाँ के हर चीज पे वार किए.. धन और सत्ता तो केंद्र में थी ही थी साथ ही साथ आस्था,विश्वास,धर्म पे भी खूब कुठाराघात किये।.. हमारा मनोबल तोड़ने, हमें नीचा दिखाने,हमारा मखौल उड़ाने में कोई कोर-कसर नहीं छोड़े। जब यहाँ आये तो देखा कि मिट्टी,पत्थर, सोने,चांदियों से बने मूर्तियों के प्रति बहुत गहरी आस्था है.. तो वे हमें दिखा-दिखा कर ही लूटे-खसोटे और तोड़-फोड़ कर खण्डित-खण्डित किये.. देखो रे अपने भगवान को जिसकी तुम पूजा करते हो.. टूट रहा है खण्डित हो रहा है फिर भी नहीं आ रहा है.. इनके भक्त कट रहे हैं फिर भी प्रकट नहीं हो रहा हैं.. कैसा है रे तेरा भगवान!? हमारे सामने ही मूर्तियों को पैरों से रौंद डालते... दिखा-दिखा कर रौंदते और हम कुछ न कर पाते। मंदिरों को जमींदोज कर कर मस्जिदें खड़ी कर दी गई!!  किसलिए? तुम्हें अपने धर्म से विमुख करने के लिए.. तुम्हारे मनोबल को चूर-चूर करने के लिए.... तुम्हें लज्जित करने के लिए.. ताकि तुम उनके समधर्मी बन सको।

बाद में वे अगला चरण चलते हुए बौद्धिक हमला करेंगे.. मूर्ति पूजा कहीं से भी ठीक नहीं है.. तुम्हारे वेदों में भी इसकी निंदा की गई है।.. पत्थर को पूजने से कुछ नही हासिल होने वाला.. वगेरह वगेरह..
और पढ़े-लिखे भोले हिन्दू इस सुर में सुर मिलाते नज़र आएंगे।

अब मन्दिर से उठे तो दूसरी आस्था पे टूट पड़े.. "गाय" तुम्हारे सामने गाय काटेंगे.. सरेआम काटेंगे.. खाएंगे भी सरेआम .. तुम क्या कबाड़ लोगे.. तेरी माँ का हम कीमा बना के खाएंगे,घण्टा उखाड़ लोगे तुम हमारा।

अब बौद्धिक हमला झेलो...
अरे मांस तो मांस होता है चाहे वो गाय का हो या बकरे का.. साइंटिस्ट बताते है कि गाय का मांस सबसे उपयुक्त मांस होता है खाने के लिहाज से.. अगर गाय तुम्हारी माता है तो फिर तुम्हारी माता कौन है!?.. गाय तुम्हारी माता हो सकती है तो भैंस,बकरी को चाची-मौसी तो हो ही सकती है।.. जीव आखिर जीव ही होता है.. चाहे गाय मरे,बकरी मरे, भैंस मरे या ऊंट मरे.. जान तो सबके होते है न! तो फिर गाय पे इतनी हाय-तौबा क्यों??
अब इसमें पढ़े-लिखे भोले हिन्दू अपना पिछवाड़ा उठा समर्थन करते मिलेंगे.. बीफ पार्टी आयोजन करेंगे.. सरेआम गाय काटेंगे... तुमको जो उखाड़ना है उखाड़ लो।

कल चलते-चलते तुलसी का पौधा को पकड़ेंगे.. कुछ लेना-देना तो रहेगा नहीं.. लेकिन तुम्हें नीचा दिखाने के लिए कुछ भी करेंगे.. तुम्हारे सामने उसके ऊपर मुतेंगे.. क्या कर लोगे तुम उसका?

उसके बाद बौद्धिक तर्क झेलो..
अबे पौधा पौधा होता है.. चाहे वो तुलसी का हो या किसी और का.. तुम भी कहीं बाहर मूतते होगे तो किसी घास-फूंस के ऊपर ही जाता होगा..  तो तुलसी के ऊपर हम मूत दिए तो क्या हो गया!? .. अगर तुलसी 24 घण्टे ऑक्सीजन देती है तो अन्य पौधे क्या कार्बनडाईऑक्साइड छोड़ते है!?
अब इसमें पढ़े-लिखे भोले हिन्दू हलेलुइया हलेलुइया करेंगे।

इसके बाद फिर "सिंदूर" को कुछ ऐसे ही अपमानित करेंगे मखौल उड़ाएंगे।
अबे हिन्दू के अलावे दुनिया के किसी भी धर्म की औरतें सिंदूर नहीं लगाती हैं.. तो क्या वो सुहागन नहीं होती हैं.. बच्चे पैदा नहीं करती हैं.. उनके खोपड़ियों को ठंडक नही मिलती हैं ??
इसमें भी पढ़े-लिखे भोले हिन्दू लोग सियार की भांति  हुंआ-हुँआ करने लगेंगे।

और भी ऐसे ही अन्य चीजें पकड़ लीजिये जिसपे हमारी आस्था है व पहचान है उसपे इसी तरह से हमला करेंगे और मखौल उड़ाएंगे। और इसमें हमारे पढ़े-लिखे भोले हिन्दू लोग जिंदाबाद जिंदाबाद करेंगे।

इसके उलट क्या होंगा..

एक पढ़ा-लिखा भोला टाइप का हिन्दू क्या प्रश्न उठाएगा..

"भाई वो आप अपने औरतों को बुरके में क्यों रखते हो?"
उ० - "भाई आला-ताला ने हमारी ख़्वातीनों को बड़े प्यार से बनाया है.. इसलिए हम उन्हें बुरके अंदर रखते हैं.. हमारे धर्म में बिना परदे के स्त्रियों का रहना हराम माना गया है।"

"भाई वो तीन तलाक का क्या लफड़ा है!?"
"भाई वो हमारा अपना मजहबी मामला है उसमें बीच में पड़ने का नहीं।"

"भाई वो लुल्ली काटना क्यों जरूरी होता है!?"
"इसके पीछे साइंटिफिक रीजन है.. इससे ये नहीं होता इससे वो नहीं होता.. फलाना बीमारी नहीं होता.. वगेरह वगेरह।"

"भाई वो काबा में जा के काले पत्थर को क्यों चूमते हो!!"
"भाई वो हमारे लिए सबसे पवित्र जगह है.. हर मुसलमान का फर्ज है कि उस पत्थर को चुम्मे.. उसको हमारे अब्राहम को देवदूत गैब्रिएल ने दिया था।"

और इन सब चीजों के जवाब में पढ़े-लिखे भोले हिन्दू लोग आमीन-आमीन करते नजर आएंगे।

वे तुम्हारी आस्थाओं का तुम्हारे सामने ही मट्टी-पलीद करते हुए तुम्हारी वाट लगा रहे हैं और तुम बुद्धिजीवी नामक नपुंसकता का लबादा ओढ़े पिछवाड़ा उठाये जा रहे हो और उनकी चूतियापा भरी आस्थाओं के ऊपर चूं तक नहीं करते हो।

एक बात कान खोल कर सुन लो हिंदुओं.. वे गाय खाने के लिए नहीं काट रहे बल्कि तुम्हारी औकात नापने के लिए काट रहे हैं.... और भविष्य में ऐसे ही और भी चीजों में औकात नापते रहेंगे... तुम पकड़ के घण्टा हिलाते रहना।


Greater Wahabi influence in Nuclear Stockpiling Pakistan, a bad combination

Before it's too late.

According to former National Security Director of Afghanistan, Rahamatullah Nabil, terror groups have deeply and widely infiltrated ranks of Pakistani military and secret agencies. Therefore, the world has to act before it is too late.

According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Pakistan has around 110-130 nuclear weapons compared with around 100-120 nuclear warheads of India.  It also  has the notoriety of exporting nuclear weapon technology to N Korea and Iran. In the past 2 decades, it has decisively established itself as global capital of terrorism (Bin Laden’s capture on its soil only underscored the close Islamic fraternal relation between the Pak establishment and terrorists).

According to the study “Pakistan operates four plutonium production reactors; India operates one. Pakistan has the capability to produce perhaps 20 nuclear warheads annually; India appears to be producing about five warheads annually.”  Experts opine that  within the next ten years, Pakistan could possess the third-biggest nuclear weapons stockpile in the world, only behind the United States and Russia.  India’s nuclear warfare policy is centered on a No First-Use (NFU) doctrine. Pakistan, however, refuses to adopt a NFU doctrine.   The 2015 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace/Stimson Center report shows that Pakistan is using more of its fissile material to make weapons than India.

Ever since the Kargil war in 1999, border events have repeatedly exposed hand-in-hand comradeship between the army and terrorists. The recent beheading of 2 Indian soldiers by Pak’s Border Action Team (BAT) only goes to prove how terror training has entered into its military set up – defying all international protocol of hostility between two civilian states.

The Peshawar Talibani attack of December 2014 on a school of army personnel (that killed over 140 innocent kids) offered a great opportunity to establish itself as a civilian state and cut-off filial ties with all Islamic terror groups thriving on its soil. The attack also sent cold shivers down the spine of Pak’s atomic energy commission which demanded increased security of its nuclear weapons. Pakistan’s political leadership also made noise about wiping out all terror groups and its military did launch an offensive.  But today in 2017 the world clearly sees that Pak military – terrorist links are stronger than umbilical ties.

Experts’ worry is not without substance, because Pakistan is no longer an Islamic state; instead, it is a Wahhabi nation. Nurtured and propagated by Saudi Arabia, Wahhabism is an extreme Sunni Islamic ideology that wants to settle all disagreements through violence, terror or war. The Taliban, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, the ISIS and all other Islamic terror groups are practical manifestation of this ideology. Mullahs of Pak military know it better. The day is not too far in future when the distinction between a Pak soldier and a terrorist would vanish completely.

The world has to wake up and act before that happens.  This is why the US and its allies have to look after Pakistan much more closely now than before.


Wednesday 31 May 2017

गहरी साजिश जिसे समझना आम आदमी के बस का नही

गहरी साजिश जिसे समझना
आम आदमी के बस का नही.....

बाहुबली ने बॉक्स ऑफिस कलेक्शन के अब तक के सारे रिकॉर्ड तोड़ दिए ! क्या इसको लेकर कोई शोर हुआ ? नहीं !

किसी फिल्म के सौ करोड़ पार करने मात्र से उछलकूद मचाने वाले एक हजार करोड़ का आकड़ा पहली बार पार करने पर भी चुप है ! आश्चर्य होता है, घोर आश्चर्य ! और तो और बाहुबली की ऐतिहासिक सफलता के बीच में अचानक दंगल के कलेक्शन की चर्चा की गई !

इसमें मजेदार बात यह थी की दंगल के करोड़ो का कलेक्शन चीन में दिखाया गया ! मानो चीन के खिलाड़ी आमिर खान से प्रेरित होकर अगले ओलिम्पिक में अपना पहला पदक जीतेंगे ! सब कुछ कितना हास्यासपद है !

कोई पूछ सकता है की आखिरकार ये सब क्यों और किसलिए ? क्योंकि भारत में मीडिया को पढ़ने-सुनने वालो में एक वर्ग सदा ही ऐसा होता है जो हर खबर को सच मानता है ! ये खबरे आप के मन मस्तिष्क पर गहरे तक प्रभाव डालती है और धीरे धीर आपको नियंत्रित करने लगती हैं ! ऐसी खबर निरंतर दिखाते रहने से खबर प्रभावित लोगों की संख्या बढ़ती जा रही है !

ये दंगल की चीन में अचानक ५०० करोड़ की कमाई उसी खेल का एक छोटा सा हिस्सा है ! क्योंकि परसेप्शन की लड़ाई में वे नहीं चाहते की १००० करोड़ का आकड़ा पार करने वाली एकमात्र भारतीय फिल्म वो हो जिसमे भारत के गौरवशाली इतिहास का प्रस्तुतिकरण हो !

इसलिए दंगल को भी १००० का आकड़ा पार करवाया गया और उसकी चर्चा अधिक की गयी ! उसमे भी दंगल से अधिक आमिर का परसेप्शन बनाये रखा गया जो उनका ब्रांड एम्बेसडर बन कर आगे भी उनके काम आता रहेगा !

बाहुबली में हिन्दुस्तान की अनेक सांस्कृतिक व परम्पराओं का भव्य प्रदर्शन किया गया है , जिसे हमारा दुश्मन कभी बर्दाश्त नहीं कर सकता ! वो कभी नहीं चाहेगा की देश की जनता की निगाह में कोई ऐसी फिल्म बसी रहे जो उन के आत्मविश्वास और जोश को बढ़ाये और भारत की सभ्यता की जड़े मजबूत हो !

अब तक पीके ही सबसे सफल फिल्म के शिखर पर विराजमान कर रखी गई थी अर्थात शिव को दूध पिलाने वाले की हँसी उड़ाने वाला आप के मन मष्तिष्क पर राज कर रहा था, अब उसकी जगह कोई शिव की पूजा करने वाला बाहुबली ले ले, यह उन षड्यंत्रकारी लोगों को कैसे मंजूर हो सकता है !

उनका दशकों से जमाया गया सारा खेल ही मिनटों में खत्म हो जाए वो यह कैसे बर्दास्त कर सकते हैं ! ऐसे में जब आज अब पीके को तो फिर से पिक्चर हॉल में चलाया नहीं जा सकता तो उन्होंने दंगल को चला दिया ,वो भी चीन में, क्योंकि भारत के सिनेमा घरों से दंगल को उतरे हुए भी महीनो हो गए थे ! और आननफानन में चीन में उसके ५०० करोड़ के कलेक्शन की चर्चा करा दी गई ! जिसका परिणाम ये हुआ की अब बाहुबली अकेले १००० करोड़ की फिल्म नहीं रही !

अब क्या आप चीन के बॉक्स ऑफिस में कलेक्शन गिनने जाएंगे ? नहीं ! जिस देश से कोई सामान्य खबर भी बाहर नहीं आ पाती वहाँ हमारे एक फिल्म के कलेक्शन की खबर तुरंत आ जाती है , क्या मजेदार खेल है, वाह ! वो तो इस गिरोह का बस नहीं चल रहा वरना आज ये दंगल को बाहुबली से अधिल कलेक्शन दिखा कर नंबर एक कर दें ! दो चार हजार रूपये का कलेक्शन दिखाना इनके लिए बाएं हाथ का मैल है ! अब इनकी भी मजबूरी है क्योंकि जमीनी हकीकत कुछ और बयान कर रही है और बाहुबली भारत में ही नहीं विश्व के अनेक देशों में व्यापक छाप छोड़ने में सफल हुई है ।

😢साभार Pawan Tripathi


-- #विश्वगुरु_भारत_से_विकासशील_भारत_का_सफर -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- इतिहास में भारतीय इस्पा...