Sunday 4 June 2017

A view of the Aryan, and druhyu migration

A view of the Aryan, and druhyu migration

By:  S Suchindranath Aiyer

"India is among the last surviving islands of Aryan culture. But Aryans did not originate in India. David Frawley has got it wrong. (His first two books on Ayurveda and Astrology were brilliant.)

How will you have archaeological proof of a nomadic, pastoral, multi racial people? Even after they integrated with the Druhyu (Dasyus) after the Civil War of Kurukshetra, whatever temples and universities they created were destroyed by Ashoka. The only proof is the oral tradition of the Shroutha Smartha Ithihasa that is corroborated by linguistic traditions and genetics found all over the world.

What is Aryan Invasion Theory? It seems to be something that Neo-Integrationists or, "GenNext" Jabberlal Neckscrews have drummed up as ar Redicsovery of India? I am classically educated in Sasnkrit and subscribe to Shrotuha Smartha Ithihasa. I personally think that those who have not had a classical Sanskrit education and are busy trying to remove the words Brahmin and Arya from the Indian dictionary or, to recast them in consonance with or in opposition to the Periyar-Ambedkar-Nehru-Gandhi-Imported Relgion-Communist consensus should not be tampering with the History of the Druido-Aryan civilization of the Indian Subcontinent.

All allusions to an Aryan Invasion theory are baseless because there could not have been any "invasion" when there were no "nations".. The intoxicating Soma integral to some Rik Vedic rituals is juice crushed from a creeper that grows along the highlands bordering the Aryan stamping grounds from East Prussia to Mongolia and is not available in the Indian sub continent. What does DNA prove? That there is no racial purity. Racial purity was never posited in the first place. The Shroutha Smartha Ithihasa states very clearly that after the Mahabharatha War, the Idolatrous, agricultural, temple worshipping Druids who originated in Mesopotamia and the Caucasian to Mongoloid nomadic, war like pastoral Aryas of the Eurasian steppes who had settled in the Indo-Gangetic Plain under the treaty of Bharatha, exacting tribute from the Druids, inter married after the Mahabharatha War and that the agricultural, architectural and temple worshipping methodologies entered the Vedas as the Aagama (that which came from outside) Shastras of the Atharva (the chronologically last or fifth) Veda. The Vedic Period that came to an end with Ashoka's fratricidal war and tyranny that put an end to the Treaty of Bharatha. Legends see many counter migrations out of what is now known as India. After the Mahabharatha War there was a great Exodus of Aryans from the Indo Gangetic Plain towards Europe with written Sanskrit. Sanskrit is still spoken in Lithuania but with an entirely different script and accent. After Ashoka's genocide and persecution of Brahmanism many went as far as the Urals and beyond while some, like Adi Shankara's ancestors, escaped to the deep South. Again during the Islamic invasions, many slaves were transported to the Middle East and Europe. The Romanis are descendants of those who escaped from Islamic slavers and plunderers. So, really given the time scale, the geographic scale and the many migrations inwards and outwards, what conclusive "scientific" proof is there? Precisely what does this prove or disprove? All available data fits in to the Shroutha Smartha Ithihasa and none contradicts it. THEORIES constructed out of selective or limited (in time and space) data contradict the Ithihasa. The earliest written (inscriptions) in Sanskrit are found in the remains of the Mitani Kingdom in Northern Syria (!500 - 1350 BC) in the Tigris-Euphrates Basin. Ofcourse, Sanskrit had NO written script in the nomadi,c pastoral Rik Vedic and Shukla Yajur Vedic Period when all knowledge was passed in the Shroutha (Heard) Smartha (remembered) tradition, but borrowed Devnagiri from a conquered Agricultural and Architectural civilization in the Krishna Yajur Veda Period. There is worship of theDruido-Aryan trinity in Yugoslavia since before the advent of Christianity there.

The Rik Veda evolved in the Aryan Grazing grounds between East Prussia and Mongolia. They had interactions with agricultural civilizations all around them and, therefore, cultural influence when they raided them for food during times of Kshama (scarcity) for themselves. The Druids of ancient Ur escaped their harrying as well as their own apostates who had embraced Yahweh and migrated all over. Some of them brought, agriculture, architecture etc (i.e. civilization) to the Indo-Gangetic Plains. Some Aryans followed them, conquering them during the Shukla Yajur Veda Period (invention of Archery, Chariot use in warfare). During the Krishna Yajur Veda Period, they settled under the treaty and laws of Bharatha. They exacted tribute from the Dasyus (Druids) in terms of agricultural and archtiectural produce and other forms of labour. This led to the decadence of the Sama Veda period. This led to the Mahabharatha War. This civil war broke Aryan hegemony giving rise to the Athrava Veda Period when the Dasyus and the Aryas inter married, the Shudra Varna entered the Guru Kulas and a great number of Aryas migrated back to their home lands and beyond. The Atharva Veda (Vedic period) came to an end when Ashoka destroyed the Druido-Aryan temples and dismantled the Gurukulas (thereby putting an end to Varna Mobility) in revenge for being declared an outcaste by the Supreme Council of Kashi when he contravened the treaty of Bharatha that established the consensus of Ashwamedha Yajna during the Krishna Yajur Veda period in place of the Rik Vedic Rajasooya where the heads of opposing kings are offered in the sacred fire by the victor. Ashoka waged war on his fellow Aryas (like the US waging war on NATO). At this time too a great number of Druido Aryas migrated to the North and the North West from India. Markers, there is no older structure than Saranath in Ashoka's former empire. The back lash to Ashoka's tyranny destroyed Budhism is India together withn the Ashoka Chakra with which Ashoka replaced the Swastika of Aryavartha Dharma whereas, Budhism prospers in South East Asia and Japan with the Swastika emblazoned on Budhist temples. Adi Shankara whose ancestors fled deep South to escape Ashokan persecution revived Sanskrit and the Brahma Sutras. .

“India is a complete mix of Asian and European genetic components. The Caucasus hunter-gatherer ancestry is the best match we’ve found for the European genetic component found right across modern Indian populations".

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