Saturday 18 February 2017

British Divide and rule still continuing?

It is good that both Kambala and Jallykattu have been released from the yolk of India's Judiciary. But this has left another deep fissiparious scar in India's alien persecuted psyche.

The Indian State is all about creating fault lines and dissensions. The Government of India Act (1935), a House of Lords Confection, was designed to divide to rule.

This was masticated by Sir Maurice Gwyer for Ambedkar, to which Ambedkar added notions borrowed from George Orwell's "Animal Farm", such as inequality under law, exceptions to the rule of law and "Many Nations Theory", and, notably, the "Ninth Schedule" to please Nehru who wanted a Nouveau Kleptocracy loyal to his dynasty with which to replace the British and suppress merit and integrity that might threaten their hegemony.

The resultant casteist, tribalist, communal, anti competence Constitution has condemned India to a perpetual state of Civil war. This has resulted in an India that is 135 out of 172 countries in Human and Scoial Development and 143 out of 172 countries in Internal Peace and Stability (UNDP 2015), home to 30% of the World's poor (World Bank 2016) and top of the World in Bomb Blasts (twice as many as Iraq which takes an abysmal second place) in 2016.

The Quota (Reservations) - Extortion (Corruption) Raj is the only filth that was allowed to flow from "Independence" by the PANGOLIN filter.

Note: PANGOLIN: An enemy of India who believes in inequality under law, exceptions to the rule of law and persecution of some for the benefit of others. At present, the sole purpose of the Indian Republic, Constitutional or otherwise, is to pamper and provide for certain constitutionally preferred sections of society who the British found useful to hold and exploit India at the cost of those who the British hated and persecuted. The Pangolin is a creature that is unique to India and feeds on ants that are known in nature to be industrious and hard working if not quite as fruitful as bees who flee to better climes. (PANGOLIN is an acronym for the Periyar-Ambedkar-Nehru-Gandhi-Other (alien) Religions-Communist Consensus that usurped the British Mantle and has worn it with elan to loot, plunder, and rape India since 1921 and re write History and laws to their exclusive benefit since 1947)

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