Sunday 19 February 2017

The plight of North East

The North East:

Manipur was a highly cultured "Special District" (Like Coorg) until 1947. It had the first written Constitution in the Sub Continent and was, arguably, even more cultured and Brahmanical than Mysore or Travancore. Nehru posted his Satrap there and began, with Ambedkar, his social engineering legislation which his Christian Satraps imposed with an iron hand while finding time away from his womanizing rape and plunder.

Ever since, every family in Manipur has had at least one person under arms and underground. Just one small fractal of a nation in a perpetual civil war created by India's founding "architects". Notably, Ambedkar and Nehru. All of India's seething unrest both kinetic and potential can be traced back to India's grotesque "Animal Farm” Constitution and "Social Engineering" Laws that enforced a British day dream that Britain, itself, dare not have attempted in Britain, let alone India.. The violence under the surface of India, waiting to break out, is of massive proportions.

The South West and North East of India that had not been under Moslem tyranny like “Hindi” India were largely matriarchal and matrilineal

The North East, the Dandakaranya and the Western Ghats were also the free preserves of the tribals who tended to and preserved nature wile enjoying the rights to free through fare and foraging. This was recognized and respected by the law giving Brahmins of Aryavarta since the days of Bharatha with insignificant interference from either the Moslems or the British.

The South West came into a close relationship with Brahmanism and gave up their tribal ways since the days when Parashurama and his disciples came and settled here after Parashurama received the Tripura Rahasya and Shrividya Deeksha from Dattareya at Kamakhya (present day Assam) long before the rest of South India, came to accept Brahmin Law in the hey days of the earlier Pandyan Empire that covered most of South India with fortified trading posts and maritime trade that stretched to Rome in the West and to Vietnam in the East.

In more recent History the brutal Islamic rape, plunder and genocide in the South led to the formation of the Vijayanagar Empire that drew most of South India closer together under Brahmin Law and the Dharma of the Shankaracharyas of Shringeri that continued in former Vice Regalities such as Travancore and Mysore until the Indian Republic dismantled law, order, infrastructure, justice and governance in these unfortunate parts.

It is India's grotesque PANGOLIN* dispensation and British born Constitution and laws that eradicated the matrilineal system in the South West and North East of India, turned women into chattels and deprived the tribals of their hereditary right of thorough fare and foraging in the forests of the Western Ghats, Himalayas and the Dandakaranya in 1959. This is the same year that saw the eradication of Brahmanism and the confiscation of the Commonwealth of the descendants of those who were called “Hindu” (i.e. those who are not the Din e Kitabi” or people of the Book) by the British prior to 1921 including their temples, educational institutions, grazing and agricultural lands, treasure, irrigation tanks and even their religious freedoms. (PANGOLIN = Periyar-Ambedkar-Nehru-Gandhi-Imported Religions-Communist).

It is the arrest,incarceration and sexual violation of tribals exercising their ancestral rights by Forest Officers, Police and “Government” under the PANGOLIN* laws of India that saw both the birth of the Naxalite-Maoist (or violent Communist) Movement in the Dandakaranya and the insurgencies of the North East. The Western Ghats and the Himalayan foothills have been less rebellious owing to the long relationship here with over arching Brahmanism that has been systematically eradicated by the PANGOLINs* since 1947 and is being reflected in sporadic exhibitions of Communist (Naxal/Maoist or whatever) violence.

The back drop to all this is that “Hinduism” is neither a religion nor a way of life. It is a defunct nationality comprising myriad religions united, loosely and consensually, by Aryan (Brahmin) law that has been dismantled systematically since 1947. Under the great and unique freedoms of Brahmanism, almost every temple represented a unique religion and culture as did every nomadic sub-tribe.,
Basically the "Divide to rule" and "Keep the natives subservient" Government of India Act (1935) condemned India to a perpetual state of civil war when it was plagiarized into the Indian Constitution in 1949 with elements borrowed from George Orwell's "Animal Farm" being added to it ad nauseam.

Residual natives need to be vary of the Periyar-Ambedekar-Nehru-Gandhi-Imported Religions-Communist (PANGOLIN) Consensus that has looted, plundered, raped and massacred it since 1947 by means of the "Reservations-Corruption Raj" that the Pangolins created and maintained. This is why India has been so weakened from the Great Power that it was in 1957 to below Sub-Saharan Africa (UNDP - 2015) at 135 out of 172 countries in Human and Social Development and 143 out of 172 countries in internal peace and stability. Before this great and growing internal threat begotten by India’s Constitution and charlatan Cambridge, Columbia, Elphinstone, Presidency, St. Joseph’s, St. Stephen’s, Madras Christian, Loyola educated “founding fathers” who knew less about Indian History, cultures, traditions, religions and lives than their British over lords, that resolves itself into Blue, Green, Red and White belts that are crushing the country for their personal pleasure, pelf, perpetuation and perversions, all other threats become "lesser evils".

*Note: PANGOLIN: An enemy of India who believes in inequality under law, exceptions to the rule of law and persecution of some for the benefit of others. At present, the sole purpose of the Indian Republic, Constitutional or otherwise, is to pamper and provide for certain constitutionally preferred sections of society who the British found useful to hold and exploit India at the cost of those who the British hated and persecuted. The Pangolin is a creature that is unique to India and feeds on ants that are known in nature to be industrious and hard working if not quite as fruitful as bees who flee to better climes. (PANGOLIN is an acronym for the Periyar-Ambedkar-Nehru-Gandhi-Other (alien) Religions-Communist Consensus that usurped the British Mantle and has worn it with elan to loot, plunder, and rape India since 1921 and re write History and laws to their exclusive benefit since 1947)

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