Wednesday 8 March 2017

China US Islam and India

China US Islam and India

Not much has changed since I wrote this a few years ago:

Like Islam, China is confident that it can anger the world without any serious consequences. Who is there to oppose it? The US-NATO-Sunni axis is fully occupied in the Third World War that was built up on the foundation laid by Nixon, Kissinger and Sheikh Yamani as well as the Second Cold War begat by William Lewinsky Clinton.

China has an apprentice within the charmed circle of the axis in the shape of Pakistan. China also has its "Fat Boy" North Korea. India is fully pre occupied with the Reservations-Extortion Civil War bequeathed by its Constitution and PANGOLIN*s. Japan, Australia, Korea and Vietnam are helpless without their otherwise preoccupied guardian, the US face of the US-NATO-Sunni axis. China has the might and a pretty free run to realize its ambitions of Lebensraum that it has clearly declared in successive long term (fifteen) year People's Liberation Army plans since 2000.

The US has deliberately advanced a consistent pro-Sunni Islamic Policy since Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger and Sheikh Yamani that led, among other things, to sending the Seventh Fleet up the Bay of Bengal to defend Pakistan;s right to practice Islam (mass rapes, sex slavery, genocide, vandalism etc) in 1971 and Turkey's annexation of half of Cyprus in 1973 and the persecution of Shia Iran in International affairs.

The US is a Polyphemus being ridden by Sunni (Petro Dollar) Islam as Sindbad was by the "Old Man of the Sea". The White Hice, the State Department and the CIA are not accountable to the US people as much as internal US governance.

From Nixon’s China and Pakistan to “contain India” (a suicidal India that is its own worst enemy, standing as a Totalitarian Anti-Hindu State on the two fundamental pillars of “reservations” and “corruption”) as State Policy, Bush (the Father’s) CIA when he founded the Bush wealth from largess found under the Tent of Saud, to Reagan’s Iran-Contra and Taliban, to Clinton (the husband’s) bombing of Belgrade to cede Islam its first ethnically cleansed enclaves (Bosnia and Kosovo) in Europe since 1489, to Bush (the Son’s) Iraq and Obama (The Holy Ghost’s) ISIS, the White Hice have been acting just as any mercenary on the pay roll of Sunni (Petro Dollar) Islam might. Pakistan is the US’s consistent cat’s paw to contain India since Nixon as it has been China’s since inception.

Islamic Terror is Pakistan’s favoured and consistent weapon in dealing with India and has full White Hice blessings. The US has tossed one country after another into the maws of Sunni Islam. Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Cyprus, Tunisia, "The Arab Spring" and Libya.

This has seen the US caught up in a quagmire where Iraq alone left it Three Trillion Dollars and 5,000 Arlington Headstones in the hole. It has not recovered and has pushed its allies into economic misery by conjuring up a false flag MH-17 to unite NATO in sanctions against Russia thus uniting Russia with China.

The White House ensures that India remains at arms length, The US has been a consistent enemy of India and a hired gun of Islam since the days of Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger and Saudi Sheikh Yamani. If Nixon sent the Seventh Fleet into the Bay of Bengal to defend Pakistan's right to practice Mahomet's Islam (choreographed mass rapes, sexual slavery, torture, genocide, vandalism etc) Obama has done so in Mesopotamia with his Daesh regiment of Taliban. He turned the emerging entente cordiale with India into a detente with just two deft moves. He dropped a Billion Dollars worth of sophisticated weaponry, including systems for dropping its nuclear war heads on targets deep within India, into Pakistan's lap in November 2015. He also abused Indian hospitality and started off a "Tolerance" Chorus of Indian Fifth Columnists obligated to Petro-Dollar Sunni Islam or the White Hice in some way or another.
The US today has no military recourse, no boots for any ground, other than its Sunni proxies who, as surely as there was a "9/11" will turn and rend the US after they have done with Europe that the US has thrown into their maws.

China has calculated well and is proceeding with the same ruthlessness that Communism has always had in Common with Islam and the United States.

*PANGOLIN: An enemy of India who believes in inequality under law, exceptions to the rule of law and persecution of some for the benefit of others. At present, the sole purpose of the Indian Republic, Constitutional or otherwise, is to pamper and provide for certain constitutionally preferred sections of society who the British found useful to hold and exploit India at the cost of those who the British hated and persecuted. The Pangolin is a creature that is unique to India and feeds on ants that are known in nature to be industrious and hard working if not quite as fruitful as bees who flee to better climes. (PANGOLIN is an acronym for the Periyar-Ambedkar-Nehru-Gandhi-Other (alien) Religions-Communist Consensus that usurped the British Mantle and has worn it with elan to loot, plunder, and rape India since 1921 and re write History and laws to their exclusive benefit since 1947)

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