Thursday 23 March 2017

Reasons for the Partition of Bharat

Today March 23rd is so called "Pakistan day" - Sharing a link with some useful myth busting history lessons on this non-sense day that celebrates Hindu-Sikh genocide.
All Indians born post independence have these white lies drilled into their minds. Hence many folks who care to read the material below will go through a cathartic denial and try to shoot the messenger (I.e me) - only until they realize that it's the inconvenient truth!!
White lies taught to you listed below:
1) Hindus-Sikhs and Muslims were like brothers till British divided us and caused partition. - LIE - right from Bin Quasim's invasion of Sindh in 712 AD till today 2017 AD the expansionist & totalitarian diktats of Arabia have only caused mayhem & murder not brotherhood. British did a lot of horrible things like killing millions of Indians in famines & looting treasury dry but were not the "cause" of Islamic tensions. They were there only for 150 out of the 1200 years and are nowhere in picture for last 70 years.
2) British caused partition/ Jinnah caused partition/ Gandhi-Nehru caused partition - all LIES. Partition was the culmination of the dream of Islamic ummah & superiority. British/Jinnah/gandhi/Nehru were only facilitators. Pakistan movement was started by nawabs of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. And in provincial elections of 1946 regular Muslims from Mumbai, chennai, Punjab etc voted heavily in favor of Pakistan and supported Hindu genocide. Muslim league which fought the elections of 1946 on the poll promise of Partition won handsomely not only in present day Pakistan but all over India where Muslims seats were reserved. In fact Pashtuns of NWFP actually opposed it. Muslims of India supported it.
3) Muslims in India stayed back because they loved India. - LIE. No one moves from a place where they are stable unless forced. Muslims stayed back because they could do so even after voting for partition celebrating amputation of India. It's not like Hindus-Sikhs love being uprooted. Hindus-Sikhs formed 25% of present day Pakistan, 5% of Kashmir valley & 33% of Bangladesh in 1947. Today its 2% in Pakistan, 8% in Bangladesh & 0% in Kashmir valley. - not by "choice".
4) Creation of Pakistan was bloody but now its over - LIE. It will continue until Islamo-fascism reforms or is driven out. After Pakistan it was Kashmir and now same model is repeating in Uttar Pradesh Kerala and Bengal - what's the common factor - you tell me
5) Pakistan is a country - LIE. There is no cultural entity called Pakistan nor is it defined by any geography or history. It's an artificial space carved out for religious fascism on dead bodies of 4 million Hindus and Sikhs. It's not a country it's a mind set or ideology. And this mind set is very much active in large parts of present day India also. Don't live in false empty hope that the mind set ended by creating the monster called Pakistan.
Yours truly,
Shrimaan history master

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